- Our partner RISING SUN MEDIA are experts in digital & DVD/Blu-ray distribution
- Over 12 years experience in film festivals & production
- Award winning PR and Marketing
- We understand the needs of genre filmmakers
- We don’t charge for any expenses
- Curated branding of films gives maximum marketplace attention
- Our brands are established and growing – over 55,000 followers worldwide
- We have strong connections in all media
- We offer both digital and DVD distribution
Unlike a traditional distribution company, as the brands grow so does the exposure of the films branded with them. We currently have over 55,000 unique brand followers worldwide – that’s a lot of eyes we directly promote to.
Our festivals draw in major celebrities – incl. CASSANDRA PETERSON, LANCE HENRIKSEN, BILL MOSELEY, TOM KENNY, SEAN LENNON, DEE WALLACE, DICK MILLER, JOE DANTE & SID HAIG – and this helps the brands grow every year.
Branded PR makes customers and retailers more aware of both the brand and the films under that brand. And we’re partnered with the best design, branding and PR from Award Winning PARALLAX STUDIOWORKS whose clients incl. MICROSOFT, LAKESHORE ENT., CARTOON NETWORK and MTV.
All this stops your film from being lost in the staggeringly overcrowded marketplace and maximizes revenue.
Just take a look at what our PR did for B&B Magazine. Even if you never read the magazine or go to a B&B festival, you’ll know the name. And associate it with quality. That’s the power of branding.